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Gauricka Agarwaal
May 23, 20203 min read
Watermelon Mint Ice – Granita
In the scorching summer all that the heart wants is ICE!! Imagine ice, dripping with a syrup of your favourite flavour (kala-khatta for...

Gauricka Agarwaal
May 20, 20204 min read
Banana Caramel Cake
Everybody loves banana & caramel and when they’re put together… BOOM!! Its an explosion of flavours enhancing one another. Here is a...

Gauricka Agarwaal
May 12, 20204 min read
Ricotta Mango Parfait
This is a wonderful dessert made using fresh ricotta. Its summertime and mangoes are in the season. So, we thought of making a very...

Gauricka Agarwaal
May 5, 20204 min read
Moist Apple Cake
When life gives you apples… of course, you make apple cake! Since apples are a common fruit and the most readily available to all of us...
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